Charges for counselling sessions are dependent on if you are coming to an initial session, a follow-up session, or qualify for funding such as ACC. You are welcome to have a support person with you at any appointments. If you are wanting to invite others to our session to have a family/relationship focussed session, please let me know as I need to prepare differently for such sessions.
To arrange an initial or a follow-up session please contact Adele using the form on our Contact Us page.
Initial Sessions
The initial session is free of charge. This is to enable both the client/s and myself to determine if we are a good fit.
Repeat sessions
Repeat sessions are charged on a sliding scale with different rates for those in full-time work, and those in part-time work or financial hardship.
• Full charge (Individual): $150 (attendee/parents in full-time work)
• Part charge: $100 (attendee/parents in part-time work or financial hardship)
Koha/pro-bono/funded sessions
If you’re an individual either on a benefit or a full-time student, then koha/pro bono sessions may be suitable for you. Additionally, if you are receiving financial assistance from WINZ there may be funding available toward your session costs. Please contact me so we can discuss these options.
ACC sensitive claims funding
ACC pays for counselling for any adult or child who experiences sexual violence in New Zealand, and in some cases NZ residents who experience sexual violence overseas. Sexual violence includes:
• most forms of sexual violation, rape, unwanted sexual contact, or indecent assault on an adult
• ALL sexual contact with children
• female genital mutilation
It doesn’t matter how long ago it happened, ACC will support you when you are ready to begin counselling. You DO NOT have to report the event to the Police to get counselling from ACC for sexual violence.
Everybody has a different response to the abuse they suffered. For example, you might be depressed, anxious, have sexual problems, not be able to trust people, abuse drugs or alcohol, have nightmares or flashbacks, have relationship problems, or just feel unsafe.
If you are unsure whether you meet ACC criteria please contact me or visit the ACC website for more information.