If it is not an emergency but is outside of business hours and you would like to talk to someone, a range of helplines are listed in alphabetical order below.
Disclaimer: EYC is not responsible for the contents of the linked websites, and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them.
AA can help people of any age and background. Youth drinking, teen drinking, drinking alone, drinking at home, solo drinking, elderly drinking are all factors that have brought people to AA, and we have members from 16 through to 96.
Assistance from trained counsellors and volunteers for anyone who is in crisis and struggling to cope with anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorders, phobias and associated issues; as well as concerned family members, loved ones and supporters of anyone in an anxiety-related crisis.
Assistance from trained counsellors who can discuss your situation and find you the right support.
The 0800 Family Violence Information Line can provide information and put you in touch with services in your own region.
Trained registered nurses able to give information to those who feel unwell; need urgent advice about someone who’s sick; are on holiday and need to know where the nearest doctor or pharmacy is.
If you’re a survivor of recent assault, are dealing with the long-term effects of historical abuse or are concerned that someone in the community might be at risk of sexual abuse, you can speak with a trained counsellor.
Free, anonymous and confidential support with trained volunteers.
You will have the opportunity to leave a message for our Public Relations Co-ordinator, or for one of the three areas – Northern Area (north of Taupo), Central Area (south of Taupo) or Southern Area (all of South Island).
OUTLine provides confidential telephone support for sexuality or gender identity issues. In addition to telephone counselling, there is also some face-to-face counselling (on a sliding scale of fees) available.
Samaritans offer confidential and non-judgemental support to anyone who is lonely or in emotional distress. We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and you don’t have to be suicidal to call us.
Trained counsellors provide support, information and resources to people at risk of suicide; whanau; those affected by suicide; people supporting someone with suicidal thoughts and/or behaviours.
This number will get you through to our service that manages victim referrals and improves volunteer Support Worker safety throughout New Zealand. The service also provides front line police and the New Zealand Police communications despatch team with a responsive way of identifying and directing our volunteer Support Workers to any location no matter what the time of day or night.
Phone us toll free from anywhere in New Zealand for information, advice and support about domestic violence as well as help in a crisis. Follow the simple steps to be put through to your local refuge on your touchtone or mobile phone. You will be automatically redirected to a female advocate in your region.
Youthline is a New Zealand Youth Development Organisation with youth, for youth.